Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Buying the RV

It was certainly an adventure just buying the new home.  

I would have like for the whole purchase process to go quicker and to the original plan, as a cascade of events followed the delay in acquiring it which were pretty hard to take:

I lost a lot of money on various related tasks like -  
1. cost of a hotel in Charlotte, NC since I wouldn't have the RV to sleep in
2. an extra search for another RV in IN which was fruitless
3. my 89 Cadillac decided that it was NOT taking me back to OH this past weekend and died on me in Statesville, NC (an hour North of Charlotte). This was on a Sunday and everything was closed, so I had to get a hotel.  I had to take a taxi on Monday to get to a rental agency that would rent to me with just a debit card.  AND - I had to scrap my Caddy for $200 (and I LOVED my car).  

On a related note, when I got the RV and went to sit in the driver's seat to leave, I bashed my head on the over cab bed support (HARD plastic!) and gave myself a nice mild concussion.  It was with this fresh injury that I had to drive it about an hour South to Columbus.  The next morning, I was due to drive to Charlotte and perform the next day... it was all a trial but I did it - and won a trophy!  The Great Southern Exposure was my first such competition and I was thrilled to win Edgiest Performance!  So even though the days leading up to and after the event were stressful to say the least, I'm so happy I followed through and made the trip and walked away with a prize for the efforts.

Now, a few days later, my head still is reeling from the concussion and will do for at least another week. I've had 5 mild concussions now in my life... a bad trend indeed!  But I know what to expect at least.

Anyhow, in the next two weeks, I have to do all that I can afford to do to upgrade the RV.  I will at least have someone add Solar Panels and a Back Up Camera/Monitor.  

And there is a LOT of stuff to do to clear out my apartment!  I'm selling/bartering or giving away a lot of my life to keep it as simple as possible.  

I'm really, really looking forward to starting out once and for all on Christmas Day.  I will have a few hours to visit family in Dayton, Oh on the way West then it's just me and the road.

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