Thursday, February 16, 2017

Golden Legend Champion Challenge

I nervously sent off my application for the Golden Legend Champion Challenge just now.  I say nervously because I would really love to be part of this and also it frightens the hell out of the MCS part of me (which is a big part).  I'm not sure I can physically do what might be asked of me by putting myself out there for this great opportunity, but a fellow performer urged me to apply and I decided to go for it.  I applied just for the challenge, not the showcase.  SO if chosen, I'd be one of only 7 and would be working closely with a Living Legend of Burlesque!  Very daunting indeed!!! 

GLCC - Golden Legend Champion Challenge will be in Colorado Springs this year!
Hosted by Peaks and Pasties at The Gold Room August 11th - 13th.

There are a few days left to apply for other performers who may be interested, here is the website link:

I was accepted as an alternate.  Meaning, if one of the 7 protoges cannot fulfill their duties or follow thru for whatever reason, I'm on board.